A Tool For Every Job - About the Thickness Planer

While the natural rigidity of wood makes it the ideal material for countless construction and carpentry projects, its natural structure also causes it to slightly warp or bow after being cut into boards. This tendency results in boards that do not have perfectly parallel opposing sides. Thickness planers are tools that create smooth, parallel surfaces by removing thin layers on each side of a board. Running a board through a planer makes it better suited for projects that require lumber of uniform thickness. Planers can also be used to smooth rough surfaces and to reduce the thickness of a board to a desired size. The basic operation of a thickness planer involves setting the height of the blade and feeding a board through the machine until the desired thickness is reached.

Milwaukee Cordless

Thickness planers can be stationary or portable. Stationary planers are much larger, and have the benefits of more stability and a greater capacity than smaller portable ones. Portable thickness planers, on the other hand, provide more versatility because they can be transported and put to work on projects outside of the woodshop. Portable planers are better suited for use in smaller work areas and on job sites. Some planers are designed to be operated with one hand if needed, such as one handed planer from Festool tools.

Milwaukee Cordless

Utilizing a dust collection system is advisable due to the amount of dust produced by planers. Other safety precautions to bear in mind when operating planers are protecting your eyes with appropriately rated safety goggles, wearing clothing that is not too loose and using proper ear protection. Keeping the machine and blades in good working condition will contribute to safest operation and the best results from a thickness planer.

As with all electrical power tools, reading and adhering to all manufacturer recommendations is strongly advised.

A Tool For Every Job - About the Thickness Planer
Milwaukee Cordless

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